SOLD! During the 2022 Juried Exhibit, Best of West Virginia, Tamarack.
Studiously exploring the forest floor, a toddler reaches for a colorful maple leaf that catches her eye. This painting, As a Child, underscores the joy of exploring the wonders right under our noses.
In this custom framed oil painting, the artist used all professional grade, archival quality materials and production methods. The painting is sealed with a clear, UV protective finish for lasting impressions.
As a Child is one of a series of oil paintings by Pat Cross on the desirability and viability of living in this small town designed by Eleanor Roosevelt and how that plays out into our modern day.
This program, Eleanor’s 2020 Vision, is presented with financial assistance from the West Virginia Division of Arts, Culture and History and the National Endowment for the Arts, with approval from the WV Commission on the Arts.