Lenten Rose Original Oil Painting by Pat Cross Sold at The Eggplant
The original oil painting by Pat Cross titled Lenten Rose reached a new collector while visiting the Eggplant Boutique recently.
Pat Cross tells of her inspiration for the piece. "I captured the reference image for this oil painting during one of my coffee-cup garden tours with my mother," says Pat, adding, "Mom favored the Lenton Rose due to this most significant season of the year – Easter.” The Lenten Rose is one of the first flowers to bloom each year, often rising from the decayed leaf litter of fall to ascend above the snow cover. Gardeners often plant the Lenten Rose as a way to commemorate the resurrected Christ and to welcome the fresh life of spring.
To view and or purchase a Pat Cross floral painting of your own, visit the Eggplant Boutique, 1011 Bridge Rd A, Charleston, WV 25314. Or, browse the online gallery of floral paintings by Pat Cross at www.patcrossart.com