Jurors Select Pat Cross Art into Call of the Wild International Exhibition.
Jurors Select Pat Cross Art from her series, Eleanor’s 2020 Vision, into Call of the Wild International Exhibition.
Hosted by the San Fernando Valley Art and Culture Center in California.
Exhibit juror Suzanne Edmonson selected two artworks by Pat Cross into the show, both original oil paintings from her latest series, Eleanor’s 2020 Vision.
Each of the two oil paintings by Pat Cross feature a lesser-known outdoor asset of the Town of Eleanor: the bird sanctuary that borders Eleanor and the Kanawha River.
“During certain seasons of the year, a patient ogler can spot a Great Blue Heron, watch an eagle pluck a fish from the estuary, or study the often-comedic social behavior of migrating Canadian geese,” tells Pat Cross. But the bird sanctuary also serves as a refuge for anyone seeking a safe and beautiful place to relax, study wildlife, and allow the imagination to take flight in fresh, new ways.
Blue Heron Pit Stop and Our Bird Sanctuary by Pat Cross are each part of a series receiving financial assistance through an ARP Arts Grant from the West Virginia Division of Culture and History, and the National Endowment for the Arts, with approval from the West Virginia Commission on the Arts.